Nutrition Officer, Noa, Fixed Term Hargeisa

Assist with documentation, implementation follow-on of innovative nutrition approaches and other operational research activities for IYCF, maternal nutrition, micronutrient deficiency disorders control and nutrition related aspects of communication for development (C4D). Monitor the flow of IYCF, maternal nutrition and micronutrient deficiency disorder control project supply and non-supply assistance to local authorities. Draft supply and financial documentation. Collect and record information on supply/non-supply inventory, distribution and utilization.
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Students teach nutrition, healthy lifestyles to peers

Longview senior Rebecca Kennedy is a nutrition sciences major who has been a peer nutrition educator for a year. She typically sees 15 clients per semester, she said. We usually do one appointment a week, Kennedy said. Theyll come for four or five appointments. If they want to meet for longer, we can do that. We wont push someone out if they want to learn something. Each meeting lasts 45 minutes to an hour, Kennedy said.
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